Monday, February 06, 2012

MacJournal 6.0.3b1

Get it now.

This is the first beta for 6.0.3, another small bug fix release. This fixes a few crashers, as well as fixing search indexing for those that have been experiencing it (depending on how your data are structured). There are a few tiny UI differences, including reorganizing the Format menu a bit to match TextEdit better (something I meant to do before 6.0), and requiring the Command key to move something in the Sidebar or Entries List to the Trash to reduce accidental actions. Performance should also be improved.

Please let me know of any problems using the Report an Issue item in the Help menu. If you have purchased MacJournal via the App Store, this beta won't recognize that license right now. I'm looking into ways of letting App Store customers test betas in the future.