Wednesday, October 06, 2010

MacJournal 5.2.5b1

Get it here.

5.2.5 will be a smaller release than 5.2.4 and meant to address some issues in that release and some issues discovered with syncing the recent mobile releases. To that end, there is a fix for an error that can occur during syncing that some people with PDFs were seeing. There’s also a fix for blogging with PDFs. VoiceOver support is improved in the calendar and tab bar, as well as better international support. I also reverted behavior for the “shaded” days in the calendar to include just the entries in the current journal until I can work out a better way to accomplish what I was going for in 5.2.4.

Please let me know of any problems using the “Report an Issue” item in the Help menu. If everything looks okay here and no more mobile support is required, this should be reaching public release status soon.