Sunday, December 03, 2006

MacJournal 4.1d5

Get it from here (look in the Dev page).

This release adds compatibility for the new Blogger Beta section. To use it, auto-configure your blog server based on the front page of your blog's web page and then use your GMail address as the username.

⁃ All blog operations are now cancelable in the Activity panel.
⁃ Removed the Blogger protocol from the Blog Configuration panel.
⁃ Added an "Open in Tab" menu item to the contextual menu when right-clicking on a link to an entry.
⁃ Appending text through Services will add the same header as it does when creating a new entry.
⁃ Added support for authenticating into a web page when automatically configuring it.
⁃ Command-Return will "OK" the Quick Note window.

Other Fixes
⁃ Fixed a crash creating a journal with the "+" button in the drawers.
⁃ Fixed sizing problems with images in entries (most easily visible with multiple images next to each other).
⁃ Fixed titling of some pages when exporting multiple pages to HTML.

There are some more changes included in this release. You should check out the Version History for the full details.