Welcome to MacJournal 2.6! This release is a followup to MacJournal 2.5.2, which came out late last year. 2.6 features a lot of improvements, both in stability and in new features. Here is an outline of the new features in 2.6:
- Enhanced Exporting:
- export any set of entries or journals
- export journals with one file per entry
- export entry to Word documents (Panther only)
- HTML exporting now supports more styles and colors
- checkboxes can be exported to any format
- Improved Importing too:
- Import or drag folders of files in to create entries with those files
- New Service to append selected text in any application to any entry in MacJournal
- LiveJournal enhancements:
- iTunes button to get the currently playing song in iTunes
- Change who can view the entry as you upload it
- Performance and stability enhancements, especially for large data sets
- Interface improvements
- Greatly enhanced contextual menus for both drawers
- Mail-style "Add" and "Action" buttons
- Use Combined view in the Journals drawer (previously only seen in the Entries drawer)
- Lots of small improvements to enhance user experience
- More workflow options
- Preferences to automatically close journals that you aren't working in
- Hold down the Option key to bypass most warnings on a case-by-case basis
- Copy a style in some text and then select some entries in a drawer and use Paste Font to paste that style onto the selected entries
- Spring-loaded Entries: Drag text onto an entry and that entry will become current into which to drop the text
- Improved Keywords sheet
- Improved Undo functionality
- Improved options for setting the default text and topic for entries (including font and color)
- You can set a background picture (as well as randomizing through a whole folder)
There are many more small improvements. The included Version History file has all the details on all of the changes that have been made. That and this Release Note are always available from the Help menu.
While MacJournal is freeware, donations are accepted and appreciated at http://danschimpf.com/. Thank you for supporting the development of MacJournal!
Reporting Bugs
Please let me know about any bugs you find in this release as soon as possible. New in 2.6: use the "Report A Bug" menu item in the Help menu to see a list of known issues for your current build (as they arise). You can also automatically create a new e-mail.
If MacJournal crashes on you, look for a crash log in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter and include that in your report. If there's some funny behavior, try looking in the Console (in /Applications/Utilities/) and include any output related to MacJournal in your report. Please be specific about things that you are doing that aren't working out, whether it's a crash or a behavior that you don't like. Also, include what release of MacJournal you are using in your e-mail. I appreciate your feedback!