Welcome to the fourth and final beta of MacJournal 2.6. Download it from here. This release picks up the Serbian localization and a number of small changes. 2.6 is going to be a great release.
Here are some of the changes:
- Text sent to Blogger and LiveJournal will no longer be heavily stylized. I tried to cut out a lot of what they already do, like font and color. Bolds and italics will still be sent. Also, any changes in font size or text color from what the majority of your text looks like will also be picked up.
- Titles of entries may very well be sent to Blogger now.
- Copy and Paste support in the drawers for moving entries around
- You can now delete a locked journal if you have the system administrator password
- You can now drag attachments from entries into the Finder and elsewhere
- Other smaller, but important bug fixes.
Other enhancements are noted in the Version History (there are a lot of little items).
As always, install and use developmental software at your own risk! Be sure to back up your data before each new build just in case. Just for fun, MacJournal itself will back up your data with each new build that you install as well.
Please let me know of any problems that you have with this build as soon as possible.
Reporting Bugs
Please let me know about any bugs you find in this release as soon as possible. New in 2.6: use the "Report A Bug" menu item in the Help menu to see a list of known issues for your current build (as they arise). You can also automatically create a new e-mail.
If MacJournal crashes on you, look for a crash log in ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter and include that in your report. If there's some funny behavior, try looking in the Console (in /Applications/Utilities/) and include any output related to MacJournal in your report. Please be specific about things that you are doing that aren't working out, whether it's a crash or a behavior that you don't like. Also, include what release of MacJournal you are using in your e-mail. I appreciate your feedback!