Saturday, July 10, 2004
Beta 3 is coming soon
Beta 3 will be out sometime this weekend. A lot of little things have been improved and I hope this will be the last beta before final ship. Many localizations have been updated, but we're still missing a few key ones that will potentially delay the final release. MacJournal 2.6 will be released this month though, localizations or not. We can pick up additionaly localizations after the final release as they don't require any change to the actual code. The other big improvement in beta 3 beside localizations is the HTML exporting, which I talked about in a previous post here. Further improvements have been made since then and it's looking even better. I've tried it out in a lot of situations and everything comes out looking good and validates with the World Wide Web standards group (W3C). Other than that, there have been a lot of small improvements to a lot of different places. Look for the release soon.